HTC Desire 628 Dual SIM Ratings


138 users

1.0 Stars
46 %
5.0 Stars
19 %
2.0 Stars
16 %
3.0 Stars
10 %
4.0 Stars
9 %

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HTC Desire 628 Dual SIM User Reviews

Moderate 2.0 stars
Sound is less, battery backup is poor, heating is a big issue in this phone... Camera is good.. Front cam is ok
Posted by ASHISH KARNA on 22-03-2018 at
Moderate 2.0 stars
Sound is less, battery backup is poor, heating is a big issue in this phone... Camera is good.. Front cam is ok
Posted by ASHISH KARNA on 22-03-2018 at
Worthless 1.0 stars
Low sound and less battery backup... Not advisable mobile to buy...
Posted by sudhar san on 12-03-2018 at
Worthless 1.0 stars
Low sound and less battery backup... Not advisable mobile to buy...
Posted by sudhar san on 12-03-2018 at
Super! 5.0 stars
When I was thinking to buy this phone, got through lot of bad reviews about the bad battery life, but after using for a month I don't think it's too bad, after heavy usage I got 2 days backup and I think that's that's really decent . The phone is really fast, smooth , never hanged as till now .
Posted by Rajeev Ranjan on 01-03-2018 at
Super! 5.0 stars
When I was thinking to buy this phone, got through lot of bad reviews about the bad battery life, but after using for a month I don't think it's too bad, after heavy usage I got 2 days backup and I think that's that's really decent . The phone is really fast, smooth , never hanged as till now .
Posted by Rajeev Ranjan on 01-03-2018 at
Good quality product 4.0 stars
Gd phone. Bt the battery backup is less and heating problems too.
Posted by SHAFEEN MUHAMED on 21-02-2018 at
Good quality product 4.0 stars
Gd phone. Bt the battery backup is less and heating problems too.
Posted by SHAFEEN MUHAMED on 21-02-2018 at
I am not happy for this mobile. 1.0 stars
This mobile phone is not good. Camera is not clear, very low battery backup.
Posted by Chakradhar Kawadkar on 17-02-2018 at
I am not happy for this mobile. 1.0 stars
This mobile phone is not good. Camera is not clear, very low battery backup.
Posted by Chakradhar Kawadkar on 17-02-2018 at